About SP4EE

SP4EE is inspired by makers who have been building weird and beautiful things at the boundary of electronics, creative coding, geekdom, and art. It is any and all of these: a free-form circuit sculpture, a BEAM robot, an autonomous fidget spinner, a brushless motor, an open-source program, a solar engine, a low-power LCD counter.

It is an intelligent object that is controlled and supervised by a tiny computer. Although it runs a program, it is not connected to any network or the Internet. It stands on its own, powered by ambient light to generate motion and record the turns of its wheel.

It has no moving parts other than the bearing on which the flywheel is suspended. It should keep working forever for decades. Its longevity is a meditation on how we can combine cheap modern electronics with scratch-built parts to create an object that is sustainable, durable, and serves no practical purpose whatsoever. In other words, it is my antidote to the lethargy I feel when I look at the flood of ready-made, throwaway consumer goods polluting our spaces.


You can find SP4EE on Github at github.com/sp4ee.
You can find me on Twitter as @twilliability, or at my blog, Jealous Markup.